Local company’s donation to Geduld epilepsy centre

Company revamps Epilepsy SA Centre's sick bay.

Staff from a local refinery spent two days at the Epilepsy SA Centre in Geduld to revamp the sick bay.

On Tuesday, they celebrated their handiwork with snacks and tea and also handed over blankets, the last item on their donation list to the centre staff.

Plant manager Eric Modau and Simphiwe Sobopha, senior human resource manager of the precious metal plant, were the driving force behind the work done in the sick bay.

In organising the project, Gillian Seane, social and economic development manager, had to start one month prior to the event to get the planning in order.

“The centre has a lot of maintenance needs, therefore we had to establish which building needed priority,” says Seane.

The decision fell on the front building including the reception and sick bay.

Included in the revamp were donations of two medicine fridges, reception furniture, linen, blankets, a heater, paint, a water dispenser, laptop, microwave and two light fittings.

The interior ceilings all received a fresh coat of paint.

Eric Modau, local refinery plant manager says God is telling us to love our neighbour and by revamping the reception and sick bay “it is exactly what we are doing.”

She says it took them two days to complete the work.

Modou says their gesture is to uplift the centre and this is just a small portion of what needs to be done at the centre.

“We realised the importance of our community outreach programme and by revamping the sick bay and reception area is our way of showing how much we care,” he adds.

The assistant centre director says they saw the refinery staff painting the sick bay and also “painting themselves”.

“What a wonderful gesture to people they don’t even know.”

Magdaleen Kruger, centre director, says she hopes they can continue the relationship between the centre and the refinery.

“It’s wonderful to see how the refinery staff got involved with this project,” says Kruger.

Residents at Epilepsy SA Centre in Geduld enjoy a moment of singing to the staff of a local refinery after the reception and sick bay were revamped. They sang “Ons sê baie baie dankie”.
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