Caring for children in the name of Madiba

The spirit of Mandela was evident in Geduld when Thandabantu Care Centre fed children in the area on Saturday.

Thandabantu Care Centre, a non-profit organisation, celebrated Mandela Day on Saturday by giving food and sweets to less fortunate children in Geduld.

A company in Springs sponsored the day and gave the children curry and rice as well as sweet packets and soft drinks.

Peter Snooke, who helps out at the centre says they rely on these kinds of donations from companies and the public, in order to help the community.

“We have a lot of people who support us and we even get daily donations,” says Peter.

He says they organise a feeding scheme for the community twice a week: On Wednesdays from 1.30pm when schools adjourn, and on Saturdays from noon.

“A resident, Pieter Lewis, sponsored the cement so we were able to cement our entrance way properly and make it flat.”

Peter has many other plans to upgrade the centre in the future.

Although the centre receives clothing donations as well as food donations, it barely gets by.

Thandabantu is situated on the corner of Fourth Street and Third Avenue in Geduld.

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