Foster children’s fish and chips treat

Local woman treats foster children to lunch.

Fourteen foster care children were spoilt to a scrumptious meal at a popular restaurant at Springsgate on Tuesday.

Jesus Outreach Project, in conjunction with Jesus is Light, a church in Eastvale, is run by San van Wyk.

Her decision to treat them to lunch came after a friend told her about the Jabes Care Centre in Brakpan.

When San visited the centre she was greatly impressed with the children, aged seven to 14 years, and their foster parents Loupie and Mona Loubser.

San, who is the founder of Jesus Outreach, is not someone who hesitates to help others.

She immediately started organising a lunch treat with the owner of the Springsgate restaurant Mario Shattaoulas, who willingly agreed to welcome the children to his restaurant.

“I was impressed with his kindness and with the children’s well-mannered behaviour during lunch and the appreciation they showed afterwards,” says San.

Not only was San deeply touched by the circumstances of these children, but also by the love and care they receive from the Loubsers.

For 10 years the Loubsers have been weighing their options to make themselves available as foster care parents.

The centre was registered in May 2016 and has since grown from strength to strength.

Mona says these children are grieving everything.

“Imagine waking up one day in a new home with a new family, new surroundings, a new school where you know no one.

“You don’t have any of your own things and now you have been dropped into a foster home,” she says.

These two people soon realised their calling is much more than loving the children, “it was an act of faith in action”.

Loupie and Mona don’t regret their decision to care for this children.

“It is people like San and Mario, who deeply care for others, who makes our task lighter and makes every minute worth our while.

“We now realise there are people out there who really cares, who reaches out to those less fortunate.

“This gesture we will treasure forever,” says Mona.

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