Sector numbers for business groups

The Springs Police Station precinct is divided into six sectors and each sector is made up of a number of neighbourhoods.

During a SAPS business security meeting held recently at the police station Mike du Toit, Springs CPF chairman said the businesses should start WhatsApp groups.

“It is important to know your sector managers and to add them to the groups,” he says.

Springs Station covers a large area and most of the sectors are quite big.

Sector One – downtown Springs and Lodeyko.

Contact Capt Jan Nel, acting manager, on 071 675 3222.

Sector Two – Selection Park, Selcourt, Struisbult, Vukuzenzela, Daggafontein, Edelweis and Nuffield.

Contact Capt Nel on 071 675 3337.

Sector Three – Casseldale, Strubenvale, Largo and all areas out to Endicott and Vischkuil.

Contact W/O Blackie Swart, acting manager, on 071 675 2227 or the deputy, reservist Const Riaan Nienaber on 071 675 2333.

Sector Four – Petersfield Extension, Slovo Park, Payneville, Grootvlei, Bakerton, Jacobs Farm, Welgedacht and Welgedacht plots.

Contact Capt Sabata Shasha – 082 464 2659

Sector Five – Dersley, Eastvale, Rowhill, Presidents Park, Geduld Extension.

Contact W/O Wynand du Toit on 083 469 4383.

Sector Six – Dal Fouche, Pollack Park, Wright Park, Geduld, Reedville, Never Never, Oranjehof, Springs Extension.

Contact W/O Blackie Swart on 071 675 2227 or his deputy, reservist Const Riaan Nienaber on 071 675 2333.

Du Toit wants to emphasise that these are not emergency numbers.

“In case of an emergency business adminstrators should still contact 10111 or 112,” says du Toit.

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