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Fracking not part of Palmietkuilen project

The fifth meeting was held at Stable Inn, Strubenvale, and a wide range of issues were raised and discussed.

She says the farm will require rezoning to enable mining to take place there, and that is a separate legal process.

The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report indicates there are significant negative environmental impacts that need to be considered.

• Read: Palmietkuilen public meeting

However, the economic benefits have been shown to be positive and far-reaching.The Department of Mineral Resources, as the authorising authority, will make the decision on the project based on the facts presented in the report.

“There has been some incorrect statements made about the project over the past couple of months, particularly around the mining activities and the resettlement of residents.

“We can clearly state that fracking has never been part of this project.

“In relation to the displacement impacts, based on the proposed project designs, it has been identified that the community of farm workers residing directly on the Palmietkuilen farm stand are to be affected,” says Aken.

According to Aken, the community comprises approximately 45 to 60 households and between 200 to 300 residents.

“Layout and planning alternatives are being investigated to avoid the relocation of any households.

“However, a resettlement action plan will be developed and implemented should the need arise,” says Aken.

The environmental processes for this project started in August 2016 and, according to the legislated time frames, the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) should deliver a decision in September.

• Also read: Residents updated on mining project issues

She says if the authorisation is positive, it is anticipated that an appeal process will follow as well as further discussions with the landowner.

“The majority of the stakeholders who attended the meeting were opposed to the project as they reside within six kilometres of the proposed activities.

“They anticipate they will be impacted by the mine, regardless of mitigation measures that would be implemented,” says Aken.

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