Unbearable stench in New Era is unhygienic

A waste spillage in Wrestler Road, New Era has resulted in an unpleasant odour on Thursday morning.

According to Freddie Dicks, trainer and boxing coach of the Bert Collins Boxing Club, they could not use the entrance to the club at Wrestler Road on Friday morning and had to take a detour.

“Although some of the waste had disappeared from the road, the stench lingered,” he says.

The club is situated opposite the delivery entrance of Morgan Abattoir

• Read: Refuse stench is terrible

Dicks says they have experienced similar problems of bad odours from waste spillages before, which influenced the number of guests supporting the club on tournament weekends.

“It is an unhygienic situation which I don’t think should be tolerated,” he says.

It is not known what type of waste material was spilled.

When the Addie visited the scene, most of the waste had disappeared from the road, but the stench lingered.

• Also read: Stench lingers after spill

Morgan Abattoir group technical manager, Pieter Geldenhuys, says someone left the tap open at the cattle ‘kraal’ which led to the drain overflowing into the street.

“We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused, says Geldenhuys.

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