Metro vehicle’s open beer can raises eyebrows

An official Ekurhuleni Metro vehicle parked at Selcourt Towers recently drew the attention of the public when they noticed an open can of beer in the cupholder of the vehicle.

Selcourt resident Thys Coetzer feels the incident is worth reporting.

“Although there was no one in the vehicle at the time, the open beer can says it all,” he says.

Coetzer claims the image this employee reflects of the metro leaves a bad impression.

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EMPD spokesman Wilfred Kgasago EMPD says the matter needs to be attended to by the management of the department to which the vehicle belongs.

“The registration number has to be run to identify the employee to whom the vehicle was officially issued.

“That employee will have to explain why there was an open can of beer in the vehicle,” he says.

According to Kgasago, disciplinary action must be taken by the supervisor of the driver for this unacceptable behaviour.

“This is beyond the ambit of EMPD responsibilities.

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“It’s not like he was seen drinking and driving on a public road and we turned a blind eye,” says Kgasago.

No comment had been received from the metro at the time of publishing.

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