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Addicts share drug through bluetooth

Nyaope addicts have invented a new way to get high while saving money at the same time.

The new method, which is called “bluetooth”, involves an addict sharing his drug-filled blood with his peers.

Addicts mix powdered nyaope with water, suck it into a syringe and then inject the solution into their blood.

One of the addicts then sucks the intoxicated blood and shares it with some of his fellow addicts.

Drug addict Nkosinathi Masimini (26) says that he started smoking nyaope at the age of 17.

Read: 900 packs of nyaope seized

“I started sharing nyaope blood with my friends last year.

“We heard about it from friends and decided to try it.

“It gives us the best feeling, unlike smoking it [nyaope] mixed with dagga,” he says.

But he says that he only takes it when he is desperate.

“I know that I am putting my health in danger by mixing blood and using the same needle over and over with others, but the cravings can be unbearable at times.

“It is better that I risk my life because I am eventually going to die one day,” he says.

Nkosinathi’s arm is covered with cuts from repeated injections.

Read: WATCH: Sister talks about brother’s nyaope addiction

“I no longer feel the pain because I am used to it,“ he says.

He says that he has been admitted to a rehabilitation centre twice.

“I always relapse because I return to the same environment that led to my addiction,“ he says.

Duduza Police spokesman, Sergeant Harry Manaka, says that they are discouraging the addicts from using the bluetooth method.

“This is very dangerous because they can contract different illnesses from this.

He encouraged the addicts who are ready to be admitted to a rehabilitation centre to go to the Duduza Clinic.

“There are different stakeholders who avail themselves on Tuesdays and Thursdays to work with the addicts,“ he says.

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