Write a column for the Addie

Have you ever fancied yourself writing for your local community newspaper? Well, now is your chance.

The Springs Advertiser invites residents to submit a column to be considered for publication.

If you have a flair for creative writing, feel passionate about certain topics and want to share your opinion, send us your writing pieces and we may publish them in the Springs Advertiser.

Write a column of no more (or less) than 400 words on any topic you deem interesting. Note that we do not publish columns on religion and politics but other than that, any other topics will be considered.

The editor reserves the right to edit columns for length and clarity and may withhold submissions.

Email your column to the Springs Advertiser editor, Samantha Keogh, at samk@caxton.co.za, along with your name, surname, a photo of yourself (at least 1 MB big) and your contact details.

See all columns on our Opinion page.

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