Refuse stench is terrible

Residents living in Wit Road, Lodeyko, have had to live with a terrible stench coming from an open field near Jan Smuts Street for months on end.

After reporting the smell to the metro several times, they claim all they received was empty promises.

The residents have been complaining about refuse being dumped and set alight in the open field.

They claim the metro has a scheduled refuse service provided to the residents, and they don’t understand why these services are not being used by the people dumping the refuse.

Read: Refuse removal woes continue

Elzane Jordaan (46) says the stench has caused a serious inconvenience to all the families in the area.

Dana Poolman (54) says when they recently visited the open field to investigate where the smell comes from, they discovered the refuse dump had been set alight.

“We are not sure who is responsible for setting the refuse alight, but it cannot continue as the stench coming from there is absolutely unbearable,” he says.

Jordaan, who lives directly next to the open field, says they are confined to their home and can’t even open the windows when the refuse is being burned.

“We cannot enjoy a braai outside over weekends, as there is also a fly infestation and I am sure it is due to the refuse dump,” she says.

Read: Metro addresses refuse collection issues

She also says the situation leaves them powerless as they don’t know what to do and where to go for help.

At the back of this open field there are a few cottages which are home to about 20 to 30 families. Jordaan claims the refuse is being dumped by these residents.

After recently reporting the smell again, the metro’s health inspectors paid a visit to Jordaan and she took them to where the refuse is being dumped and burned.

She claims the health inspectors informed her they will solve the problem, no matter how long it takes.

Despite questions being sent to the metro more than a week ago, no response was received at the time of going to print.

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