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Shake off the Christmas weight in a few easy steps

Losing the extra weight that stayed long after the holidays have finished is no easy feat.

Indulging in the delicacies that surround Christmas and New Years is next to impossible to avoid.

If you feel that now is the time to shed that extra pull toward gravity, here are a few easy to follow eating plans.

Like many people who hate the dreaded “D” word, we’ll go rather go with “following a healthy eating plan” as opposed to diet.

As is common knowledge, following a healthy eating plan may not be enough on its own, compared to the wonders it can do along with some good ol’ exercising.

Before you roll your eyes and abandon all thoughts of going through with exercising, because let’s face it many of us hate that dreaded “E” word as well, look at these quick exercises that will take barely 10 minutes out of your busy schedule, but will still do wonders for your body.

And always remember:

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