Santa Claus spreads Christmas cheer

Operation Snowdrop held a Christmas event for underprivileged children at the Springs Rugby Club on Sunday.

Before the gift giving, children and their parents ate and had various activities to keep them entertained.

Various businesses’ employees bought numerous gifts for children of all ages.

Tables, loaded with Christmas gifts, were set up on the field according to age groups while the children and their families sat on the pavilion, excitedly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus.

As Santa Claus’ well decorated ‘sled’ (in the form of a Hummer) approached, children started screaming excitedly and could barely contain themselves.

Santa’s little helper, Dieter Fleischmann, organised the children into age groups and, along with other members of Operation Snowdrop, led the children to their relevant tables to get their Christmas gifts.

Parents and children were overjoyed as they received their gifts as well as sweet packets which were handed out to all the children.

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