WATCH: Caylum back in hospital in Boston

Eleven-month-old Caylum Willemse was admitted to the Boston Children's Hospital, in the United States, on Monday.

This comes after a posterior tracheomalacia procedure was performed on the baby by Dr Russell Jennings on December 1.

Although Caylum’s parents say the doctors thought he may have pneumonia due to his high fever and cough, test results for this proved negative.

His mom, Samantha Willemse, says doctors are running more tests and that Caylum’s fever was under control and his breathing a lot better, by Monday afternoon.

Read: Video: Dr Jennings prepare Caylum for his operation in Boston Children’s Hospital

Wayne, Caylum’s father, says his son has been through a lot over the past year and they hope he will recover soon.

He says doctors are happy with Caylum’s progress. However, when Caylum went for a ‘swallow’ check-up last Wednesday, a radiologist noticed he was aspirating on thin liquids.

“This is a good indication of a laryngeal cleft,” says Wayne.

Read: WATCH: Caylum is recovering well after operation

A laryngeal cleft is a rare congenital abnormality in the posterior laryngo-tracheal wall and is a gap between the oesophagus and trachea which allows food or fluid to pass into the airway.

Wayne says Caylum will have to be sedated to enable doctors to determine whether there is a laryngeal cleft present.

“Once this has been determined we will know whether Caylum needs another operation to rectify the cleft,” he says.

The family were hoping to be back in South Africa before the end of the year but, according to Wayne, they will have to wait for the cleft procedure and monitor Caylum’s progress.

“Caylum’s recovery is most important,” he says.

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