Springs doctor publishes book

A local doctor published a memoir sharing his life stories as a small town family doctor.

Springs doctor Henry Davel published his first book, containing short stories about his life as a small town family doctor last year, at the age of 75.

Henry decided early in his life, during primary school, that he wanted to write a book, but he never had the time, as he balanced being married with four children and running a successful practice, while enjoying several other hobbies and travelling the world.

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“I am older now and don’t have to rush to see 50 patients a day anymore,” Henry says.

Over the years, many people with whom he’s shared his stories, have suggested that he write a book.

One night, while working night shift in the casualty unit at Parkland Hospital, he decided to put pen to paper.

One of the nurses asked if she could read his writing and enjoyed it so much that she started rating each story out of 10.

Read: Author’s first book

According to Henry, the biggest compliments he received was when a colleague left him a note, saying that he should rather have remained a general practitioner instead of becoming a specialist.

“Once a girl walked up to me and told me that I delivered her and I replied jokingly that I remembered her little wet face and black sticky hair,” he says, smiling.

“Without missing a beat she fired back and said that she remembered me, too, but I didn’t have a beard and my hair was black instead of grey.

“It is things like that which make it fun.”

Henry printed 500 Afrikaans and 500 English copies of the book and says it’s selling well at the moment.

He went through the process of making the book available in book stores and online, but says the logistical challenges between distributors, drivers, warehouses, agents and book stores are astronomical.

Fans can expect another book in the future, as Henry loves writing and sharing his stories.

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