LISTEN: Springs market’s name will soon change

Springs Fresh Produce Market will soon be called Ekurhuleni Fresh Produce Market.

This was discussed at a public meeting held at the Supper Room, Civic Centre on Tuesday evening.

At this meeting Caiphas Chauke, head of metro’s department of economic development and finance, explained to the residents of Never Never, Geluksdal, Reedville and Wright Park the reason behind the name change.

Read: FERH’s name change is about to happen

“The process will be finalised at the next council meeting in February,” Chauke says.

The aim of the name change is for the market to become uniform with Ekurhuleni.

During his presentation he mentioned the market should give a platform to the community to sell their products even to small scale farmers.

Metro is about to change name of Springs Fresh Produce market by Springs Advertiser

“Small scale farmers can utilise the market only once it is properly developed,” says Chauke.

He emphasised that the market is currently “not well marketed which is probably the reason why it is not well supported by government and the community” .

“We looked at the asset as an opportunity for further development.

“Although the market has different memories for different people, it is necessary for the community to be informed on the changes Ekurhuleni has planned,” says Chauke.

Lighter reading (April Fool’s joke): Attention: Springs to be renamed to Vattenbrunn

When the metro first looked at the opportunities of expansion they decided to develop the market to create revenue for the city as part of phase one.

During phase two, the market will be made available to the smaller scale farmers, followed by phase three which will include the development of a new facility to encourage emerging farmers to sell fresh fruit and vegetables at the market.

“This will create more work and we want to develop the market into a standalone business with one board of directors,” says Chauke.

The MMC of Economic Development and Finance in Ekurhuleni, Doctor Xhakaza, says the market needs to appeal to all of Ekurhuleni.

Members of the public were asked to give their opinion on the name change.

Leila Tsotetsi from Geluksdal says the community should support the name change for “a better future and better life for us all”.

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