Bikers contribution helps girl (5) with eye operation

Valhalla Motorcycling Club hosted a fund-raising event for one of The Potters Haven children on Saturday.

Ghapi and Clint Cunningham performed at The Deck in Selection Park to make this event a success.

Gary Collins, president of the club, says the child is in serious need of a Strabismus procedure which will be done at Lakeview Hospital in Benoni.

“We have been working on raising funds for the eye operation for the past five months and have had tremendous support from local companies, the community, clubs and companies outside of Springs,” he says.

In June the club contributed towards The Potters Haven’s chemist account.

Read: Potters’ Easter treat

“We managed to raise the funds to cover the costs for the child’s operation which will be paid to the hospital in full,” says Gary.

He says Ghapi and Clint gave the guests a fantastic knock-out show where everyone had a wonderful time.

“It was an honour to have them back in Springs supporting our fund-raising event.”

Local DJ Cam played in between sets and after Ghapi and Clint left.

Marlene Minnie, founder of The Potters Haven, says she was overwhelmed when Gary’s wife Tracy phoned her with the wonderful news.

Read: Potters Haven wins R10 000 at Rotary’s 80th birthday

“They have raised all the funds needed for the operation,” she says.

She explains the five-year-old child has squint amblyopia, known as lazy eye, in her left eye.

“Words cannot express how grateful we are for the help from the Valhalla bikers,” says Marlene.

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