5 ways to spot a liar

People both lie and get lied to, but how do you tell a lie from the truth?

Here are five tips to help you detect a lie:

• Inconsistencies

Always look for inconsistencies in a story. Liars may change small details here and there, but this may be a major give-away that the story may not be entirely true.

Example: “He stole my cellphone from my pocket when I was standing in line.” A while later: “It was really scary how quickly it happened. I mean, one second I was texting my mother and the next he grabbed the phone right out of my hand.”

• Insincere emotions

A fake smile, laugh or expression of sadness can also trigger warning bells that this person may be twisting the truth.

• Contradictions

Watch out for minor contradictory pieces of information that don’t match up and seem out of place.

Example: “My boss fired me because I didn’t do my work, but said he doesn’t want to see me go because I was a hard worker.”

• Too much detail

When someone gives too many explanations or details about a story, it may turn out to be untrue.

Example: “I had to leave early because my wife phoned to say the dog got out after lunch because we have a hole in the wall where it can climb through. It’s a big hole but we haven’t covered it yet and when she wanted to give him a bone he wasn’t there.”


• Body language

Keep and eye on the person’s body movements as this can also give a lie away.

If a person blinks too much, fidgets with their hands, shuffles their feet or touches their mouth or nose the whole time, it may be a sign of a lie.

Example: “She kept looking at the wall or floor as she was talking to me.”

Read: 7 easy tips on how to spot a fake Facebook profile

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