5 tips to beat the exam craze

Matrics countrywide are bracing themselves for their final exams.

Springs matrics, always remember these are some of the most important exams of your life and can either help you forge a path to success, or hinder it.

You have been going to school for nearly 12 years of your young life, don’t slow down or relax now.

It’s worth pushing through harder than ever before just for one or two more months and you’ll have made it.

You will thank yourself in a few years’ time because these results follow you wherever you go.

Now, that being stated, follow these tips to keep a cool head throughout your exams.

Read: Brain food for the exams

• Relax.

If you work yourself up beforehand, you’ll be a wreck by the time the exam comes around and it may influence your thinking. As much as you should relax though, don’t completely ‘chill out’.

You need to find a balance of being alert and ready as well as relaxed.

• Prioritise.

Assess which subject needs to be prioritised, if you know you struggle with e.g. maths, make it a point of focus.

• Make notes.

Get hold of a book that will be purely for exam notes. It may feel like an extremely tedious job to write notes before every subject, but writing down the words helps you memorise it more than just reading it off a piece of paper. Try it.

• Ask.

If you’re struggling to remember the notes, ask a parent or friend to read notes to you, asking questions and giving helpful tips on how you can remember your answer.

You’d be surprised at how much this will help you.

• Get enough sleep.

Don’t wait until the day before the exam to cram as much information into your head as possible. This will do more damage than good.

Rather go to bed early and set your alarm to wake up an hour or two before you need to get ready and just go through your notes again.

Read: Coping with exam stress

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