‘Zero tolerance’ and hefty fines for contravening water restrictions

The Ekurhuleni Metro is calling on residents to abide by the water restrictions.

Failure to do so will result in punitive rates being implemented for excessive water consumption.

The Ekurhuleni Metro has implemented a 10% punitive rate to step up measures to save water.

Themba Gadebe, spokesman for the metro, says, “We will strictly monitor usage through water inspectors, including municipal officials as well as reports from the public.”

Read: Water restrictions implemented in Ekurhuleni

The Water and Sanitation Department announced earlier this month that the metro had only achieved a 0.8% saving rate compared to the required 15% water saving since the implementation of water restrictions.

Residents using more than 25 kilolitres (kl) of water will be charged a 10% punitive rate.

The 25kl is inclusive of the 6kl of free water supply provided to all households and domestic users.

Businesses and other users will be penalised by up to 40% if they fail to decrease their annual average usage by 15%.

The metro is urging residents to double up on their efforts to save water.

Read: Dams continue to dry up – water restrictions may get tighter

Restrictions currently in place include that there should be no use of hosepipes, sprinklers or irrigation systems and no filling of swimming pools at all times.

In addition, there should be no watering of gardens between 6am and 6pm.

The metro will apply zero tolerance to illegal connection of water such as the use of fire hydrants or any other unauthorised water connection and consumption.

A fee of R6 753.64 will be charged per incident on residential property and R13 762.24 will be charged per incident on business premises.

The municipal water tariffs for 2016/17 can be viewed here.

Customers are encouraged to continue reporting water service-related incidents or interruptions through the municipal call centre on 086 054 3000.

“The water restriction tariffs came into effect from October 1,” says Gadebe.

“Any consumption above 25kl will be charged at the increased tariff.”

After numerous queries, the Addie has still had no answers from the metro with regards to how those in complexes with no individual meters will be able to monitor their usage or how fines will be imposed on those using more than their allotment within a complex.

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