Emptier wallets as fuel prices skyrocket

The upcoming festive holidays are starting to look less and less festive and more gloomy, as fuel prices continue to rise.

If you’re driving, this is what you can expect at the pump stations come month-end:

We’re currently paying about R12.60 per litre of 95 petrol, R12.34 per litre of 93 octane and R12.14 per litre of diesel – depending on price variability at filling stations.

With the expected increase at month-end of petrol’s 48c and diesel’s 64c, you may very well be looking at new fuel prices of:

• Petrol 95 – R13.08 per litre

• Petrol 93 – R12.82 per litre

• Diesel – R12.78 per litre

If price hikes continue at this rate, we can anticipate a very tightly budgeted Christmas break; because as we all know, with these hikes come many other price hikes.

The Automobile Association expects that more pressure may be put on fuel prices before month end.

Read: Infographic: Fuel prices rise yet again

Read: Fuel price will hit motorists’ pockets hard

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