Fire destroys Green family’s possessions

The Green family, who lost everything in a fire on Saturday are in dire need of the community's help.

The fire was allegedly caused by an electric fire and left the family with only the clothes they were wearing at the time.

Read: Zaden (2) unknowingly runs into burning flat

Zaden Green (2) sustained serious burn injuries and is now being treated at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital.

Henna (25) and Caren (24) Green have two other children Ben (4) and Henna (1) and need to start rebuilding their lives, taking care of these two children as well as Zaden whose life hangs in the balance (see story on page 1).

“All my children’s toys were destroyed in the fire,” says Henna.

“Our flat on the second floor in Ermelo Road, filled with family dreams and memories, is now gone to ashes.”

Zaden Green (2) sustained approximately 35% burns to his body after he ran into his parents’ flat to fetch his bottle. They family was not aware that the flat was on fire.

He says they are picking up the pieces and gathering courage to start again.

The Advertiser is calling on the community to help with the immediate needs of the family, who currently resides with Henna’s mother.

The Green family has no clothes, shoes, underwear, linen, kitchen appliances, crockery or cutlery and are in dire need of groceries.

Read: House at SA Epilepsy burned

Anyone willing to donate to the family can drop off items at the Springs Advertiser’s offices on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighth Street, CBD.

Louise Venter from Arms of Angels says they are prepared to assist the family and the community can contact her on 072 449 2327 or Sankie Beytel on 083 225 9603 for more details about the family’s needs.

Siobheanne Landsberg, president of the Rotary Club of Springs, says they are more than willing to help the Green family and she has arranged a grocery voucher for the family to help them deal with the immediate aftermath of the fire.

She can be contacted on 082 489 5090.

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