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Alleged bad language of FERH nurse

Springs resident Nellie Smit (61) was utterly disgusted with the treatment she and her husband Tienie (62) received at Far East Rand Hospital (FERH) last Sunday.

She says they were met by an arrogant and rude nurse who immediately started yelling at her about the incorrect date on the clinic doctor’s referral letter.

The more Nellie tried to explain the date on the letter was incorrect as she only received the letter on the September 9, the more the nurse allegedly refused to listen.

“I was instructed to leave casualty and was removed by hospital security,” says Nellie.

Tienie, a diabetic, was allegedly refused water and Nellie claims she was told by the same nurse that he was on a drip and then allegedly asked “what more do you want?”

“Besides if you don’t like the way we treat you, you can sign him out, I don’t care.”

“The nurse repeatedly told me to remember it is not our hospital,” says Nellie.

Tienie sat in a broken wheelchair which had a hole in the seat, and no foot or arm rests and Nellie claims she used a white sheet to put her husband’s feet on as there were open wounds on his feet.

Nellie is not impressed with the way they were treated and decided it would be best to take her husband and go home.

She says Tienie has previously survived strokes which left him unable to care for himself and he cannot talk.

“He also suffers from necrosis on both feet which left him unable to walk, therefore, I feel it’s disgusting that any human being gets treated the way we were treated at FERH,” she says.

Hospital spokesman Hendrik Buda confirms that Tienie did come to the hospital last Sunday.

“The patient was seen by a doctor at the accident and emergency unit who referred him to a surgical doctor and was admitted,” he says.

Buda says they have a zero tolerance policy with regards to bad staff attitudes and staff members are trained on the subject.

“We take patient safety seriously, therefore, our wheelchairs and stretchers are continuously monitored,” he says.

“We will investigate the other issues raised by the complainant.

“The patient is advised and welcome to visit our institution to receive the medical care which he may need.”

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