Metro dealing with water meter issues

Following a report on the replacement of ageing domestic water meters in Bakerton, the metro recently responded.

The City of Ekurhuleni is carrying out different water meter projects to eradicate water loss across the municipality.

Metro spokesman Themba Gadebe says the replacement of aged domestic meters is one of the projects the water revenue department is implementing to curb water loss on a yearly basis.

“Meters older than 15 years fall under the umbrella of aged meters due to their ability to under-read consumption by approximately 5% to 20% depending on age and conditions of operation thus resulting in loss of income to the metro,” he says.

In the 2015/16 financial year a council resolution was taken to appoint a service provider for the Expanded Public Works Programme, Vukhuphile Learnership Programme, that was sectioned for the Replacement of Aged Domestic Meters project.

As standard practice training was provided to the contractors before the commencement of construction to minimise any snags on site.

A technical error was experienced at a property at Marigold in Bakerton which is currently in the process of being finalised as per council specifications.

Once the error has been attended to and the meters are installed to the satisfaction of council, only then will the dug trenches be back-filled and sidewalks restored.

“To ensure the safety of residents the area has been barricaded until it has been back-filled,” adds Gadebe.

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