Residents are concerned about new Dersley park

Dersley residents have concerns about the park situated on the corner of Epidote and Albite streets, currently being renovated.

The municipality is currently constructing flower beds and putting in exercise equipment in a section of the old park.

Residents are curious to know if the park will have any supervision so that it does not degenerate into a noisy place rife with public drinking or becomes a stopover for the homeless.

Ward councillor Ramesh Sheodin says many residents have been complaining at the Dersley Community Association meetings, about vagrants, the loud music, revelling, noise and drinking that goes on in the space where the new park is under construction.

He believes the new park will automatically solve the problem.

“The park is being constructed to address the issues of the residents and it will be a much safer place with all the grass removed,” he says.

According to Sheodin, the playground equipment and the park will be maintained by the municipality.

He urges the community to report any unwanted, illegal activities that might take place at the park, to the EMPD, who are the by-law enforcers of the municipality.

Sheodin says playground equipment has been installed in many areas within Ekurhuleni and has been successful and well utilised.

Zweli Dlamini, Ekurhuleni Metro mayoral spokesman, says the community is requested to take responsibility in safeguarding the park.

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