Fountain of water due to damaged pipe

Much needed clean water going to waste.

A massive fountain of water was seen in Fifth Street, Springs CBD on Wednesday.

Water was seen running down the street and into Sixth Avenue for quite some time.

This was a concern to many residents in Fifth Avenue who couldn’t understand why the Ekurhuleni Metro didn’t close the tap at the nearest water meter.

Zweli Dlamini, metro spokesman says the metro reacted to the call directly after it was logged through their service call centre.

Metro contract workers were working on a water pipeline, when they accidentally damaged the water pipe.

“The water was stopped on Wednesday afternoon and the leak was fixed,” says Dlamini.

Several residents called the Advertiser to stress their concern on clean drinking water going to waste.

What makes Tobie van Helsdingen (58) unhappy is that the water sprayed like a fountain into the air, higher than the library’s roof, for quite some time and no one bothered to close the tap.

“We have a water shortage unless the metro haven’t noticed.

It saddens me to see all the water going to waste,” he says.

The road was closed on Wednesday until Thursday afternoon.

However, the trenches are still open and the metro will close it as soon as the hole has dried out.

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