Workers make progress at Murray Park

Ward councillor Ramesh Sheodin visited Murray Park on Thursday to see the progress made by the Ekurhuleni Metro contractors since they started with phase two of the improvements in April.

“I am pleased that they have commenced and are continuing with the work,” he says.

Sheodin is impressed with what was done during phase one and claims Murray Park will be more beautiful and user friendly than it’s ever been.

“I cannot wait for it to be open to the public again,” he says.

The upgrades at Murray Park are part of the Integrated Development Plan (IDP).

Phase one was completed last year during which several chalets were built, two ablution blocks completed, the entrance was renovated and fitted with solar lights.

Outdoor gym equipment and a playground for children was installed as well.

The contract workers also completed the caretaker’s house as part of phase one.

“Although the completion date in terms of the contract for phase one was set for February 18, it was completed last year,” says Ramesh.

Additional solar lights and minor building repairs were done during phase one.

Themba Gadebe, metro spokesman, says they will give an adequate progress report by the end of June.

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