Child protection and safety tips

Child protection week, which commenced on May 29 and will run until June 5, is commemorated annually in South Africa to raise awareness about children’s rights as stipulated in the Children’s Act of 2005.

Chitra Bodisang, who is the ER24 spokesman, offers 10 tips to parents on how they can protect their children, especially considering the challenges faced by children and the youth of today.

Chitra advises the following:

Educate your children about the dangers they face.

Children should know that, should they feel unsafe around someone, they should try to run away and scream to get the attention of other people who may be around them.

Chitra says, “A home is a place where a child should feel safe and loved.”

“If your children are left in the care of someone else while you are at work for example, ensure the person can be trusted,” says Chitra

Parents need to be involved in their children’s lives.

This could signal if there is anything wrong.

“This will help them be aware of any predators,” says Chitra.

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