Danger zone of Casseldale

Resident points out these dangerous problems in Casseldale to watch out for.

Casseldale’s Irvinsteyn road is burdened with open and exposed lamp hole wires and manholes, says resident Hennie Lesch (23).

“There are four lamp poles on this road alone which have exposed and open wires,” says Hennie.

“One of the lamp poles has been improperly and illegally connected to another, in an attempt to give power to the streetlight.”

The lamp pole in question belong to one of the broken street lights that have previously been reported by a local business owner ‘Lack of service irks‘.

Hennie explains that the repair to the said street light has not been done according to the proper specifications and safety measures, which raises the concern about improper and illegal connections.

The potential danger involved in such connections is the possibility of the wires catching fire during a heavy voltage emission.

“The wires to the pole have been connected illegally, as if they were bridged from one lamp pole to another to give power o the street light,” he says.

“It is just a lazy attempt at fixing the problem.”

Hennie also points out that the pavement outside the corner shops of Irvingsteyn and Regent Road is also populated with manholes of various sizes.

The manholes have been enclosed with bricks and litter to conceal them.

“About two years ago, someone fell into one of the holes,” he says, “which is why bricks have just been put inside, so that it doesn’t happen again. It still doesn’t mean that they have done their job.”

Hennie says that the metro is not doing enough to ensure that residents are safe and that proper services are being delivered at all times.

“It is as if something tragic has to happen first, before the municipality takes these issues seriously,” he says.

The metro is yet to provide feedback to the questions we have sent.

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