Can’t see over grass

On Friday, Welgedacht resident, Hendrick Prinsloo (77), said he is tired of the unkempt grass growing opposite and across his home and the lack of assistance received from the municipality in this regard.

Prinsloo, who lives on Second Avenue, explains that he has made numerous attempts from the beginning of the week to try communicate with the Ekurhuleni Metro, but to no avail.

“I have called four different numbers, hoping to get assistance,” says Prinsloo, “but none of the operators are ever available and it is just a waste of my time.”

Prinsloo, who is a senior citizen, complains about the safety risk involved in having long grass growing all around his premises and the health hazards it causes.

“I am a pensioner and if something happens to me, because of the long grass outside my house, then what if there is a veld fire? My whole lapa will burn down.”

Prinsloo says that he is tired of using his own resources to ensure that the grass which is directly next to his house is cut, but he has to do it to keep his surrounding area clean and to eliminate the snakes that breed in the veld.

“Just last week, I had to kill a snake that came into my yard from the veld, which is very bad, because I also have grandchildren who visit me and they are also in danger,” explains the resident.

He is also concerned about the young children who walk to school as they walk across or next to the velds, as a short-cut to school.

Prinsloo is extremely aggrieved by the state of the surroundings around his home and believes that the Metro is not taking care of its people.

“Everyone works for their money and it is high time the Metro starts working for theirs,” he says. “We pay our taxes and expect our concerns to be heard.”

We are awaiting comment from the Metro.

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