Mayor salutes the city

Government officials, managers and councillors gathered on Wednesday as the Ekurhuleni executive mayor, Clr Mondli Gungubele, gave his final State of the City Address for his current term of office.

The council meeting took place at Faranani Multipurpose Centre.

“I once more stand before this august house as a humble servant of the people of Ekurhuleni, ready to account for the work we have done,” said the mayor as he opened his address.

In his address, Gungubele shared some of the accomplishments of the city in his five-year term of office.

It is in this light that he referred to the Night Inner City Cleaning programme, of which Springs was one of the beneficiaries.

“The programme was introduced in an effort to keep our CBDs clean at all times,” said the mayor.

World-class mechanical street sweepers have been introduced to clean and disinfect the CBD streets at night, when there is no human of vehicle traffic.

The mayor said the programme will be rolled out throughout the city in future.

He reflected on the great strides in service delivery that have been made by the City.

He did, however, mention that more can be done to improve on the services offered to citizens.

“A lot more still needs to be done. Our task is not yet done,” he affirmed.

Springs’ residents reacted on social media, with respect to the question posed to them, following the State of the City Address.

The question, ‘What do you think about the service delivery in Springs?’ was sent to our readers, and responses were mixed.

“It is really bad,” said Mike Ardendorff, “especially the garbage removal – it’s pathetic!”

One of our readers, Edward Shawe, received the State of the City Address with scepticism.

“I think that this is address is only a political play-ball to try get votes for a party. I trust no party”, he said.

Not all the residents had concerns. Martie Kroon is pleased with the service delivery she has received.

“So far, so good. I have no problems,” she said.

Gungubele’s address was rooted in social cohesiveness as a tool to advance social maturity, with the aims of realising a prosperous, liveable and sustainable city.

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