Compulsory online learner admissions for 2017 now open

After the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) hit a slight snag with its online registration programme, it is now calling on parents to register online for Grade One and Eight students.

The website is online and snag-free from today (Tuesday) and is available for parents to register.

After the released a statement that the website will be fully functional at 8am, the online learner admissions website has again been postponed to go live at 10am due to a ‘technical glitch’.

All parents are advised to apply online by logging on to and are warned that the application period will close at midnight on June 1.

The department has issued a step-by-step online admissions guide for parents.

The registration process is as follows:

The login process is as follows:

Parents who created login details in 2015 can use the same details.

Parents who may have forgotten their login details can click the reset password option to create new login details.

On this page a parent can:

The general application process is as follows:

An automated SMS will be sent to the parent’s cellphone number to confirm the submission of the online application.

Application for a learner with a sibling at a school:

An automated SMS will be sent to the parent’s cellphone number to confirm the submission of the online application.

Application to a school of choice:

An automated SMS will be sent to the parent’s cellphone number to confirm the submission of the online application.

Placement of learners by schools:

The placement of learners will commence from June 24 to July 25.

During this period, schools will process learner placement online.

Parents will receive an automated SMS indicating offer of placement.

Letters will also be sent to parents informing them of successful and unsuccessful applications.

Parents will be given a period of seven days to accept or reject placement offers.

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