
Domestic worker and gardener robbed

Three suspects, who allegedly posed as Ekurhuleni metro workers, robbed a home in Strubenvale while the homeowners were away.

According to the police spokesman, Capt Johannes Ramphora, a suspect arrived at the home in Crawford Crescent at noon on Wednesday, dressed in a two-piece overall and carrying a clipboard.

At the time of the robbery, only a gardener and domestic worker were present and the man told the gardener he was from the Ekurhuleni metro.

He said he was at the home to check the electricity meter box, so the gardener allowed him onto the property.

According to Ramphora, as the gardener opened the gate for the man the domestic worker noticed that the first suspect was wearing a metro two-piece overall

The man was on the phone when he entered the premises. However, as he hung up he was joined by two more suspects who entered through the open gate.

“The men greeted the domestic worker and said they were there to check the electricity meter box, but she told them they were using prepaid electricity,” he says.

As soon as she became suspicious, she tried to run away but one suspect took out a silver gun, took the domestic worker and gardener into one of the bedrooms and tied them up with cable ties.

“They then took electrical appliances and jewellery and fled the scene.

“Eventually the employees were able to untie themselves and called the homeowner, who is currently overseas.

“They also called the police to report the incident,” says Ramphora.

He says that the SAPS urges the community to always ask for identification before allowing anyone onto their property, especially when they claim to be from a specific organisation, including the municipality, and want access to the home for a service-related issue.

He says employees should also check with the homeowner before letting anyone into the homes they work in.

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