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‘It is an offence to not pay e-tolls, time is running out’ – ETC

The Electronic Tolling Collection's (ETC) COO, Mark Ridgway, says the continued distortion of the true facts and bluster by entities purporting to be all knowing is starting to wear thin.

The South African National Roads Agency (SANRAL) has stated that the recovery of public money will be ongoing and that there will be consequences for non-payment.

In line with the new dispensation a discount of 60 percent was offered by the deputy president, Cyril Ramaphosa, to those road users who settled their outstanding debt incurred prior to September 1, 2015 (historic debt).

“The time left to ensure this discount is taken advantage of is fast running out,” says Ridgway.

Those road users who have not responded will be subjected to ongoing collection activity, the listing of their vehicles and civil action.

Ridgway adds that there should be no misunderstanding around these possible consequences.

The current outstanding public debt resulting from non-payment of e-tolls is legally owing and needs to be collected.

Experts have been engaged to employ the skill sets necessary to ensure that best efforts are made in collecting these outstanding debts.

“A task force has been established, and given that the holiday period is over, efforts around these collections are being amplified. To this end, business administrators have been contracted to provide outsourced additional resource infrastructure to support the task force operation and debt recovery exercise.”

It is generally standard practice of an outsourced arrangement to represent the client.

“It is an offence to not pay tolls,” says Ridgway.

As such, non-paying road users must be prepared for vehicle listing, ongoing and substantial collection activity and legal action.

Any reference to misrepresentation is obtuse and the collection of these outstanding debts has merely entered the next phase in accordance with the current laws of South Africa.

Protests about the employment of experts to ensure maximum effort is expended in the collection of these delinquent debts carry no weight and as such road users need to assess the risk as the consequences of non-payment rests with them.

The road users are invited to engage to ensure that their 60 percent discount is claimed.

“Those who refuse to pay or who do not respond will have to face the consequences and loss of a substantial discount,” he concludes.

The call centre can be contacted on 087 353 1490 and the less60 website can be viewed at www.less60.co.za.

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