Robbers cause R2-million vehicle loss in Springs CBD

Six new vehicles, valued at R2-million, were stolen at Pat Hinde Toyota in Third Street, CBD on Sunday.

The cars, a blue New Generation Corolla 1.4 diesel, a silver Corolla Quest, a white Fortuner 3L, a white 2.5 Hilux double cab, a silver Hilux 3L Legend 45 and a white Land Cruiser double cab 4.5 V8, were removed from the premises between 7pm and 9pm.

Bokkie Slabbert, the dealer principal, says he has never experienced this in his lifetime and believes it is the work of a syndicate.

He claims to gain entry to the premises, the suspects lifted the electric gate behind the building off its rails and gained entry to the building through a small toilet window.

Slabbert says the rest of the suspects gained entry through the roller door in First Street.

Juan Muller, the sales manager, was shocked when he found the roller door open when he arrived at work at 6am on Monday and noticed the empty showroom.

He received two calls from the security company, one at 6.30pm, on Sunday, about a power failure and an opening and closing signal between 7pm and 9pm.

He believes the vehicles were removed from the premises during this time.

The offices were ransacked in search of the safe keys where all the keys to the vehicles are locked away.

Muller says the suspects also took 10 computer boxes and a Hi-Fi.

A tracking and backup wireless tracking device was installed in one of the stolen vehicles.

According to Muller a signal was received in Springs at 4am on Monday.

“The suspects probably removed the main tracking unit to allow the signal to go off,” he says.

However, they are waiting in anticipation for the backup tracker to go off.

“This device will only go off once the vehicle passes another vehicle fitted with a tracker,” says Muller.

He claims the tracking company already alerted all the border posts about the theft.

“The suspects left the other five vehicles parked on the floor because they have all been registered,” he says.

Capt Johannes Ramphora, confirms the robbery and says the police are investigating.

This is the second setback for the dealership in three months.

In November last year a hail storm damaged their stockyard at Carnival Toyota causing a R2-million loss.

Although this is another major setback, Slabbert and his team, will continue to keep their spirits high.

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