Burst pipe causes water leak

Clean water, which seeped through the tar, was seen running down Boksburg Road, Geduld on Wednesday.

Businessman Cecil Small says he does not know where the leak originated from but he believes it was from a burst pipe under the road right in front of his business.

“I reported the leak to the Ekurhuleni Metro, at 8am on Wednesday, as the leak caused large amounts of clean water to flow down the street.”

Small says the business owner next to him also reported the leak to the metro, early on the same day.

When the Addie arrived at the scene at 10am, the water flow was quite strong and it was already running towards the intersection at the Boksburg and Welgedacht roads.

Themba Gadebe, metro spokesman, says the first time they received the report was when the Addie reported the problem.

They logged the complaint into the system for a team to be sent out and repair the leak.

“We encourage residents to report all service related interruptions through the call centre on 086 054 3000 and ensure they receive a reference number to be used for follow up purposes,” says Gadebe.

However, Small claims when he reported the leak at 8am on Wednesday, he was asked for an account number and when he explained the leak was on metro property, the operator refused to give him a reference number.

A pedestrian, Brain Berry, says it is a disgrace that so much clean water is going to waste.

The leak was fixed later on Wednesday.

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