Help create a family for the Addie’s lonely piglet

As part of the Addie's 100th birthday celebrations, Bridget, the Springs Advertiser's mascot, has decided to use this year to find her family.

She is calling on all schools in Springs – preschools, primary and high schools – to celebrate this milestone and create a paper mâché family for her.

Schools can create as many family members as they want – classes can even compete against one another – by simply purchasing a plastic (or any other material) piggy bank and decorating it with paper mâché to make an attractive family for our little piggy.

There is no limit to how you decorate your pig, so be as creative as you like.

The judges will be looking for the most colourful, artistic and friendly pigs to keep Bridget company on lonely nights guarding the Addie offices.

We have a stock of old paper which you can collect from our offices if you need paper for your creation.

The stock we have will be handed out on a first come first served basis.

Once you have completed your pig, bring it to the Addie’s offices at 48 Fifth Avenue, Springs CBD and give it to Bridget‘s BFF Izahn van Huyssteen to be entered into our competition for the best pig in Springs.

There is no entry fee and schools are encouraged to participate in this fun challenge.

The winning schools for the best paper mâché pigs will be announced in the Addie on August 19.

All entries will be on display at Wheels and Wings at the Springs Airfield on September 10.

For a tutorial on how to make paper mâché, watch the video below.

For more information about the competition contact Izahn on 011 812 4828.





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