WATCH: Music for a good cause

The Bhairavi Sungum of Springs Gateway to India live variety concert on Saturday was a huge success.

The Bakerton Community Centre hall was packed and alive with guests clapping hands and stamping their feet to the next generation’s music, singing and dancing.

It wasn’t long before some guests took to the dance floor to the music provided by a live band from Durban.

The members of the Bhairavi Sungum did not disappoint the guests when, during the interval, everyone enjoyed snacks and chicken and mutton briyani.


The festival took an interesting turn when Roshini Govender took to the stage to raffle off a spa voucher.

Starting with R10, it soon became a challenge between the guests to see who would win this four-day spa voucher for two people.

In no time the amount increased to R3 500.

Smitha Maharaj was pleased that she was the lucky winner of the voucher.

Kesavan Pillay, chairman of Bhairavi Sungum of Springs, says they are very pleased with the support from the community.

Their main objective is to buy a new Kombi to transport children to cultural classes.

“But we need to host a few more events to achieve our goal,” he says.

The Kombi the organisation currently uses was donated a long time ago and needs to be replaced.

“We look forward to organising another exciting fundraising event,” concludes Kesavan.

Click here to see more photos of the day.

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