Getting ready for municipal elections

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) has announced that the registrations for this year’s municipal elections will take place on the weekend of March 5 and 6.

The date for the actual elections will only be announced later on in the year when the election is officially proclaimed by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

Municipal elections are held every five years to elect councillors who will be responsible for governing a municipality for the next five years and the IEC states that that current term of office of the current municipal councils will end on May 18.

Kate Bapela, of the IEC, says they are encouraging all participants, including eligible voters, political parties and their candidates and independent candidates, to make sure that they are ready for take part in the upcoming municipal elections.

In the allocated dates in March, locals can visit voting stations closest to them to check if they will be able to vote or register themselves.

And in order be able to vote residents must be 18 years or older, be a South African citizen and have a South African identity document.

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