Student excels, despite brain operation

Matric pupil, Mandlenkosi Fakude (20) proved he has what it takes to excel at school, even after having a brain operation eight years ago.

The Olympia School student received his results with the rest of the class of 2015 and he is proud of his achievements.

“I have a distinction in mathematics, I am so shocked,” says Mandlenkosi.

Having suffered from meningitis at the age of 12, Mandlenkosi needed to undergo a brain operation.

His mother, Linah Fakude (61), says, “After having numerous fits and collapsing on the floor I took him to the doctor.”

“Further tests revealed meningitis and he was operated on immediately,” she says.

After the operation Mandlenkosi suffered speech loss and had to attend therapy to assist him in learning how to talk again.

“The operation also left Mandlenkosi delayed by three years,” says Linah.

The therapy also included brain stimulation.

Mandlenkosi was transferred to Olympia School after he was told he would not succeed past Grade 5.

At his new school, he failed Grade 8 but determination pushed him to excel in the years that followed.

His plan is to study two subjects this year in order to qualify for a chance to study architecture in the future.

In order to prepare for his final exams, Mandlenkosi says, “Sleepless nights, long hours of studying and assistance from my older brother helped me pass matric.”

“I was so shocked to see his results but I am proud of his achievements,” says his brother, Edward Fakude (22).

“If I did not understand anything I simply asked for help,” adds Mandlenkosi.

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