FCS office revamped

The offices of the SAPS Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences unit (FCS) is getting a new look.

Amanda Greybe, from SAPS corporate communications, says it is important to give the building a new look.

“When abused women and children arrive at the FCS office, their faith in humanity is already lost, therefore we aim to lighten the atmosphere, providing a welcoming effect to make them feel at ease,” she says.

This will be used as a waiting area where children can play and abused women feel safe, while waiting to be counselled.

Greybe says the idea is to have a ship, train and Humpty Dumpty painted on the walls of the offices facing the courtyard.

With the help of two non-government organisations and donations from local businesses, it is possible to brighten up the environment in the courtyard.

“We had to make a plan to brighten up the area where abused women and children can feel comfortable,” says Greybe.

Henry Harber from Wild Wild Guardians organised four painters to help with the painting of the walls, under supervision of Dawid van der Berg.

He says between him and Andries Ferreira from Mad Rage Against Child Abuse enough paint was donated to finish the project.

Harber’s “little angels” were eager to give something back to the community and suggested they draw pictures on the walls and paint them.

“A local business donated paint for the artwork done by the children,” says Andries.

More plans are in place to put wooden pallets down in the waiting area to serve as tables and chairs.

This is all part of phase one of the project.

Phase two will start in the New Year and Andries says the plan is to close the courtyard with shade netting and place painted tyres with flowers in the area to brighten it up.

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