Springs Monster case to continue in 2016

The trial of the father of five and his wife, accused of abusing their five children for years at their Springs house, will start on May 23, 2016.

The 36-year-old man was found fit to stand trial at the Pretoria High Court on Friday.

The father dubbed as the ‘Springs Monster’ has just finished his observation period in the Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital in Pretoria.

Judge Selby Baqwa transferred the case to Judge Joey Teffo for postponement.

The couple is accused of child abuse, rape, attempted murder, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and defeating the ends of justice.

Springs police arrested the man in May 2014, after his 11-year-old son escaped and sought help from the neighbours.

During the arrest the police came across the couple’s five children, aged between one and 16 years of age at the time, who were kept locked up in their Springs house for a number of years.

The man was denied bail and remains in custody at the Modderbee Prison.

His wife was arrested a month later and her bail of R2 000 has been extended.

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