Easy win for Tihan

Tihan van Rooyen (12) recently competed at the International Soroban Diffusion Foundation camp where he passed the sixth Kyu Soroban and Anzan.

The Soroban is an abacus developed in Japan.

Tihan was one of nine children from South Africa chosen to attend the camp in Japan.

His mother, Tihani van Rooyen, says Soroban is the completion of maths problems that requires the student to use an abacus to do calculations.

Anzan is a Japanese mental way of calculating the maths by imagining Soroban without using the abacus.

His mother explains during Anzan, the students visualise the Soroban in their heads to do mental calculations.

Her son is currently on fifth Kyu Soroban and fourth Kyu Anzan levels.

Tihan says Kyu is the level of maths in which the students competes.

Not only did Tihan receive an award for Best Improved Student, he also scored the highest marks during the camp.

“In the Best Improved Student category the judges look for the best student, from their first test to their last, during the camp,” she says.

He was also chosen for the international team which will compete in San Francisco, United States of America, on December 29.

This Grade Six Laerskool Selectionpark learner, who also enjoys chess, was part of the Gauteng team who recently competed in Pretoria.

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