EMPD arrests foreign national for possession of drugs

A Nigerian drug peddler (30) was caught with cat and crystal meth valued at R30 000 in Springs at 10am, on Thursday.

The Ekurhuleni Metro Police Department received an anonymous call providing them with information on suspicious activities at a house in Circle Street, Strubenvale.

According to EMPD spokesman, Chief Supt Wilfred Kgasago, EMPD Tracing Unit members acted on the tip-off and when they arrived at the scene, they found a Nigerian man in possession of 120 packets of cat and 16 packets of the crystal methamphetamine.

He says subsequent to receiving the information, the metro police monitored the house for several days.

Suspicious-looking individuals on foot and in vehicles were observed going in and out of the house throughout the day and night.

Kgasago says once the members were satisfied with the fact that illegal activities were taking place at the house, the Tracing Unit members pounced and found the foreign national selling the illicit substances.

More than R14 000 in cash, believed to be the proceeds from his illicit drug trading, was also confiscated.

The suspect was charged with possession and dealing in illicit substances.

He briefly appeared in the Springs Magistrate’s Court C on Friday.

Bail of R1 000 was granted and the case was postponed to November 27.

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