Naked woman seen defecating in the veld every morning in Springs CBD

Woman removes her clothes and does her business in veld.

Employees at a business on the corner of Ninth Street and Sixth Avenue in the Springs CBD are faced with a unpleasant view every day.

Annetjie Geldenhuys, who works at the business, explains what she sees every morning out of her office window.

“There is a woman, who removes all of her clothes and sits on the corner of the open veld, completely naked, and does her business right there,” she says disgusted.

“We don’t know what to do about the situation, but it seems like she and others may live there as there are blankets and clothes all over the place.”

Capt Johannes Ramphora, spokesman for the Springs police, advises Geldenhuys to phone the EMPD immediately when she sees the woman defecating.

The Addie is awaiting comment from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality regarding the by-laws of such matters.

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