Metro fails to remove felled tree stumps

Felled stumps have now created the impression that the area is a dumping site.

An Eastvale resident has voiced his concern over large tree stumps which have been left on the pavement outside his house.

Moses Mahamu (53), who lives along Laingsberg Road, explains the trees have been a “problem” since 2012.

He requested the blue gum trees around his property be cut down as they were a substantial size and were hanging over his wall.

“They were a threat to me and my family as they were around my whole property and people could easily climb them and jump into my yard,” says Mahamu.

He explains the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality refused his request as they said it may damage the wall.

“I then had the trees trimmed at my own expense so they wouldn’t lean against my wall,” he says.

According to Mahamu, the trees were then felled by the metro, the last of which was on August 4.

“After they cut it down, they removed the smaller branches and cleaned up, but they left these enormous stumps here on the pavement,” says Mahamu.

He claims he has called the metro almost every day since to complain about the stumps.

“They are so big that anybody can stand on them and see everything on my property,” says Mahamu.

“Not only is our safety at risk, but for some reason these stumps have now created the impression that this area is a dumping site.”

He says refuse bags are dumped near the stumps on a daily basis.

“This is right in front of my house and gives such a bad impression of my home, what must other people think?” he asks

“It’s not nice to look at.

“I just want the stumps removed and want smaller trees to be planted in its place, I love trees and would like to see them here, but not as big as the blue gum trees.”

The Addie is awaiting comment from the metro.

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