
Sewage stinks up Strubenvale

The sewage problem in Strubenvale is escalating by the day.

Anton Barnard, a resident of Hanson Avenue, says the sewage is leaking near Lake Road, pooling into a dam and seeping into the vlei.

Residents complained about sewage flowing into the vlei in Lewis Avenue on September 23, but Barnard says the real problem is in Lake Road.

It was claimed the sewage overflowed from a blocked manhole next to the vlei and has been flowing into the water for many months.

According to residents, the municipality investigated by digging holes in the ground in search of the pipes, but never fixed the cause.

“The real problem is that the sewage is leaking from a blocked manhole in the veld and causing an unbelievable stink,” he says.

He adds that the smell is worse at night.

“It’s polluting the water and is causing a health risk as this lies dormant in the water and may pollute the air we breathe.”

He says that something urgently needs to be done.

The Addie is awaiting a response from the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.

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