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WATCH: Springs girl (6) sings ‘All about that bass’ off by heart

Is this Springs' next superstar?

A confident six-year-old girl is taking Bakerton by storm.

Pritisha Muthraparsad took part in the 2015 Springs Music and Arts Festival on September 9 at St Michael’s Presbyterian Church.

WATCH Pritisha sing Meghan Trainor’s ‘All about that bass’ off by heart.


She received numerous awards such as a trophy for the most promising participant as well as two medals and two prestige certificates for an English and Afrikaans poem.

Pritisha is in nursery school and has been part of the Ananye Drama School for three years.

Her mother, Varsha (31), says Pritisha loves art and singing.

“We didn’t know there was a singing competition in the festival and we will definitely enter her in that next year,” she says.

Pitrisha says she has been singing since she was three-years-old and adds that she wants to be a movie star when she grows up, but stardom may come in another form for her.

She has taken part in previous competitions where she also won awards, but Varsha says this was her first time taking part in the 2015 Springs Music and Arts Festival.

“She did very well and we are so proud of her.”

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