Eureka gets a facelift

Eureka High School in Geduld is undergoing major renovations.

Ward councillor Dean Stone says the school was in dire need of improvement and is happy with the progress being made.

He was astounded at how big the project is.

“This is a much-needed improvement for the school and is long overdue,” he says.

Stone explains that this is also a community project where members are taken from less fortunate communities and informal settlements, and trained in a particular skill.

“The majority of the people are from the Never-Never informal settlement but there are also a few from the Bakerton area and Gugulethu and Everest informal settlements,” he says.

The renovations started in April and are expected to be complete in November.

The roof’s age-old tiles have been removed and replaced with a shining blue zinc roof.

Charles Links, the community liaison officer appointed by Stone, says the renovations so far include a palisade fence around the school, a new roof, classrooms have been sanded down and painted, and broken windows and lights have been fixed.

“They are also fixing the borehole on the school’s property which will lighten the school’s water bill load immensely,” he says.

Stone was very impressed when he walked around the school and says he cannot believe how good it already looks.

“The thing I’m really glad about is that they are redoing the old squash courts and fixing the clubhouse at the sports field,” says Stone.

The Addie requested the renovation budget from the Department of Education but has not yet received comment.

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