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Rewarding school children who bring items to school – fair or not?

It has recently come to the Addie's attention that certain schools in Springs are rewarding students who bring items, such as reams of paper, to school.

A concerned parent, whose child attends one such school, says she feels this is unfair toward children who come from less fortunate families.

“It basically highlights the children who cannot afford to bring items to school as they then are not allowed the reward and they stand out,” she says.

She adds that it also opens the door for more bullying as they are then “outcasts” who are not privileged to some of the rewards.

The Addie asked its readers what they thought of this and whether they deem it as fair or unfair treatment.

This is what they said:

  • Clinton Brits: “Why are students bringing the items in? In my day, a parent’s company would donate the items and get an advert on one of the notices.”
  • Anette de Neys: “I agree that it is unfair to those children who are not in a position to bring a ream (or item) to school. They feel left out because their friends and class mates who were able to afford reams may come to school in casual wear for the day. And yes, I am one of the mothers who did give my child a ream to take to school. I do not want to burden my child with our household finances. This is stuff for grown ups to handle not primary school children. There are quarterly fund-raisers and stuff you must give money for. We as parents really cannot keep up! We already pay school fees and buy stationary monthly. If the school was in need of extra paper surely they could have allocated some of the school fees for this or taken money from the fund-raisers? So my plea to the principal will be, please think before you make decisions which cause children to feel less part of your school. No one has to know what others household finance are, but you are causing small children to handle adult issues they have no power over.”
  • Angela Mcguinness: “Every beginning of term my son had to take toilet rolls and a ream of paper and other things. This was seven years ago.”
  • Martie Wolvaardt: “Genade, nee nou het ek als gehoor. Hoe kan dit onregverdig wees? Hulle bring hulle kant, hulle word beloon, dis so maklik soos dit. Ek betwyfel dit in elke geval of die kinders eers kyk wie bring wat. Dit is nou weer ouers wat die dam onder die eend wil uitpluk.”

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