N17 gets Ped-ICU

Netcare N17 Hospital's new Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (Ped ICU) opened its doors on Wednesday.

Andries Joubert, the hospital’s manager, says proper provisions needed to be in place for the changes to the hospital before the Department of Health’s approval.

Renovations started about eight months ago, and they are pleased the new facility is now operational.

Unit manager sister Mashiko Mokwena says the ICU caters for patients between the ages of one month and 13 years.

The seven-bed unit caters for critical patients and facilitates high care needs.

Disposable curtains around some of the beds are replaced with new ones after six months.

Mokwena says there is a difference between Neo-Natal ICU and the Ped ICU.

Newborns who need critical medical care are being admitted to the Neo-natal ICU.

“As soon as a child is discharged from hospital and needs to be re-admitted, the child will be placed in the Ped ICU,” she says.

It was a proud moment for Mokwena and her staff to fulfil their duties when a one-month-old baby was admitted on Wednesday.

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